Meet Kylie

Meet Kylie

It all started last year 2021 when I went to the hospital with kidney stones. I got a huge awakening when I got bloodwork done to confirm the stones the Doctor was shocked I even walked in. My iron levels were so low I immediately got two blood transfusions and they weren't worried about kidney stones at all (even though I had them).

Soon after my hospital visit I found out I had thyroid issues. It seemed to be health issues after health issues that I didn't even know I had. I knew I had to take my health seriously including my mental health. And thats where the gym and the 1 year workout plan started. I started noticing when I went to the gym and was exercising regularly that I stopped having panic attacks and that was huge for me. I used to have them everywhere: work, the grocery store, at bedtime and they seemed to come on for no reason. As I started learning more about the health issues I had, I started connecting dots and the exercise just seemed to help my mental health and in return started helping with my physical health.

1 year workout plan

I started the program in June. Not necessarily following along daily but using the videos and workout ideas religiously for myself and my own routine in the gym. All of June and July I went swimming everyday and would use the 1year program a couple times a week in the evenings at home. I lost 30lbs pretty quick. From July-September 2022, I continued with that routine and didnt change my eating at all. In October I started going to the gym. From October to December I pretty much went 6 days week. Again using the workouts provided in the 1year workout plan but also incorporating my own little routine and what was working for me and still swimming around once a week. I lost another 20lbs again without touching my diet at all.

 Down 50lbs!

Now coming into the new year my goal is to try and change some nutrition. I have a lot of food issues and that contributed to my health issues thyroid being a big one! I realize I'm not eating the best but my biggest goal was to create a habit of exercise not eating. Now that I'm comfortable and have a good relationship with exercise I'm focusing on trying to make healthier decisions with my food intake. Not "dieting" but trying to make healthier choices in the things I enjoy eating. Ultimately I'm trying to make a healthy relationship with food and not cut myself off of things I like but also trying to learn how I can support and fuel my body, my hormones, my thyroid and blood levels with the food I am eating!

So far the 1 year program has helped motivate me to not be afraid of doing different workouts but instead trying different things put together with the things I'm already enjoying! The community groups and hearing other people's stories have also helped keep me motivated because we are all so different and are achieving the same things. Results! And it all just comes down to consistency. And showing up for yourself.

You can follow Kylie on Instagram

If you are inspired by this Babe's story and would like to follow the same program she did, you can purchase it below. By clicking the link, you will automatically save $5 and we will give 20% commission to our Babe Kylie for sharing her story and honest review of our program and how it affected her life.

These testimonials are written by the individual and are honest descriptions of their struggles, successes and outcomes from the programs mentioned. Their results with our programs may not necessarily give you the same results. These women purchased our programs and were asked to speak about their journeys. They will be given affiliate commission for recommending the product based on their honest review. 

If you purchase our products and have a transformation story to share, you can join our affiliates program and earn commissions as well. We want to reward our Self Made Babes for their hard work and their willingness to trust our company to deliver workout programs that actually yield results.

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