Meet Cassandra

Meet Cassandra

A little about me:

In late October of 2021 I took my son to a birthday party with an inflatable bouncy house. He wasn’t a confident climber, and he was struggling to reach the top of the slide. I was watching from the outside as a more physically capable mom helped my baby up to the top. Watching that made me die on the inside. That was supposed to be me in there lifting him up, but I couldn’t physically do it. I was too overweight and out of shape to get in and play with him. I saw a life of watching my children from the sidelines flash before my eyes. When we were leaving, I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes collecting myself. As I put on my seatbelt, I said to myself “That will never happen again.”

I began my journey of self-improvement by opening myself up to being mindful and intentional about my habits. I identified what I was letting hold me back. I began to peel back the layers of every excuse I tried to use to justify not changing. It was difficult at first. I felt ashamed when I had to face the fact that I had neglected myself to the point of being 110 pounds overweight. During that winter I began healing my relationship with food, I experimented a lot with my diet and my meal portions, and I worked through my urges to binge eat the way I had in the past. Over time I began to feel as if a fog was lifting.

By the spring of 2022 I was feeling more energized and motivated and ready to begin being more active. I spent a lot of time outside taking long nature walks. I rejoined a gym but felt intimidated by everything but the treadmills. By August my determination began paying off and I had lost 50 pounds. I decided I was ready to commit to following an exercise program. The 1 Year Workout Plan entered my life at exactly the right time.

From the start I knew it was exactly the missing piece I needed to achieve my wellness goals. The simplicity of the program made it so easy to incorporate into my daily routine. I don’t need a ton of equipment to get a good workout in at home, or I have the flexibility to take my work out to the gym and get on the machines that are a lot less daunting to me now. I’ve been feeling stronger and healthier than ever.

I did my first ever race, a 5k in October. This fall I encountered several situations that I would have considered failure inducing setbacks in the past, but I am still here showing up for myself and sticking with the changes that I’ve made. Having now lost a total of 75 pounds I am a believer that this plan is going to be key to my success as I lose the last 35 pounds. I want to share this final lap to the finish line with others who are also facing a 100+ weight-loss journey. I know how impossible it feels, but with the right mindset, the right tools, and time, it is possible to change your life.

You can follow Cassandra on Instagram and Tiktok !

If you are inspired by this Babe's story and would like to follow the same program she did, you can purchase it below. By clicking the link, you will automatically save $5 and we will give 20% commission to our Babe Cassandra for sharing her story and honest review of our program and how it affected her life.

These testimonials are written by the individual and are honest descriptions of their struggles, successes and outcomes from the programs mentioned. Their results with our programs may not necessarily give you the same results. These women purchased our programs and were asked to speak about their journeys. They will be given affiliate commission for recommending the product based on their honest review. 

If you purchase our products and have a transformation story to share, you can join our affiliates program and earn commissions as well. We want to reward our Self Made Babes for their hard work and their willingness to trust our company to deliver workout programs that actually yield results.

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